Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Reading Assignment #6

Book: BZRK Page (226) Tweets from Keats (Noah), Plath (Sadie), Nijinsky, Ophelia, Caligula and Vincent.

@Keats: Seeing through my biots eyes #disgusting
replied by: @Plath: I know I haven't gotten used to mine either!
replied by: @Nijinksy: You two shouldn't publicize the ways of BZRK or I will get @Caligula.
replied by: @Caligula: I've already been looking at this, refrain from this.

@Nijinsky: #RIP Renfield, you were a great fighter down in the nano.

@Plath: Reading poems from #SylviaPlath
replied by: @Keats: I was also checking out my poets poems #VeryGood

@Keats:   @Plath, you should tell me your real name..
replied by: @Plath: you know we can't share that information, its against BZRK rules.
replied by: @Keats: well I won't stop till I find out! #Determined

@Nijinsky: I'm the brain and the heart of the New York BZRK organization #Blessed
replied by: @Ophelia: If your the brain and the hear that makes me the soul.
replied by:@Vincent: The brain?? I'm the smartest one around here!

@Plath: Finally figured out why @Nijinsky dresses so well!
replied by: @Nijinsky: Keep to yourself Plath.

@Keats: So no one has met our leader named Lear but we all follow his orders? #Questionable
replied by: @Plath: I was thinking the same thing ! But I wouldn't question it or @Caligula will visit.
replied by: @Caligula: You know I will be visiting if you wonder anymore Keats..
replied by: @Ophelia: Now let's not be intimidating the new recruits Caligula..

@Vincent: Not being able to feel pleasure is something I love and hate. #NotCool


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